When we last checked in with the intrepid Cason’s, they were
preparing to depart for South Carolina to pick up their young Kaylee Rae after
her graduation from Marine Corps bootcamp.
The departure went off surprisingly well and they were on the road with
their 15 passenger Chevy, a rented 15 passenger Ford (with the weird body-style)
and the camera crew consisting of a Belgian journalist, and 2 videographers
from Louisiana. Heading South for the
Muncie area to pick up one of the girlfriends and they immediately got
separated from the second van as the 20 year-old driver was sure he knew the
plan and had relied on the fastest route to the pickup point rather than
Mom/Navigator Christi’s plan and the waiting game began. This foiled the camera crew’s attempt to
capture traveling caravan shots at first because it was hurry up and wait. Soon enough, though, the group was reunited
with Molly on board and booking it down the highway.

Once they arrived at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, they were
checked into a lovely foursome of very nice rooms in the Springhill Suites. The gang all got a pretty good night’s sleep
and had some continental buffet and it was off to the races again! Down and around and down and copious potty
stops later and they had arrived in Hilton Head Island South Carolina at the
Marriott Surfwatch resort. The 2 villas
there were AWESOME! The 3 bedroom units
had very nicely appointed rooms each one rated to sleep 12. The next morning the family woke and somehow
hustled everyone out the door and into the vans and they were on the road once
again, this time traversing the 35 or so miles to MCRD Parris Island. Once through the gate they found the parking
area, but no signage pointing to where they were supposed to meet their Marine. They eventually found the venue albeit just a
few minutes after the official dismissal for family day.

Needless to say, the reunion was emotional. Tears were shed, hugs were given, long and
lingering and more tears were then shed.
Kaylee showed her family the barracks in which she lived and a little
bit around the base. Mostly they spent
the hours enjoying each other’s company, part of the time at a lovely picnic
area by the waterside right next to the NCIS office. When the time came to return her to her
platoon, more tears and hugs, but some relief because they would be right back
the next day to see her graduate and take her home. The graduation was incredible. The ceremony, the dress blues, of which dad
was clearly jealous, and the incredible release of emotion in that second they
were dismissed….Awesome!

Fast forward to that evening, the family is now getting
closer to their next stop in this trip, the CABIN! As of this point, Kaylee has no idea that she
is not going straight home, still 6-8 hours driving away, nor that waiting for
her at the unknown cabin is her sister, Jessica whom she was told could not
come. In cahoots with the camera crew,
Jess is waiting for us in the cabin.
Kaylee was blindfolded the last few miles before arrival and walked into
the cabin by her girlfriend Cierra. When
the blindfold came off, Kaylee was understandably impressed and happy with the
location, but even more priceless was her reaction a minute later when Jessica
revealed herself. The whole thing was
captured for posterity by the crew and the numerous cellphones present.
Mom, Dad and kids at the cabin
What followed was two fun-filled days relaxing and enjoying
the luxury cabin with it’s hot tub and game room and spectacular views. With a giant spaghetti dinner, Kaylee’s
favorite, to fill the bellies on the last night of the stay. Topped off by an epic throw-down of flipping
and tumbling skills by one of the camera guys, Julian and one of the young men
who now live with the Casons, Anthony. It
was like a romper room showdown! Later
that evening, the camera crew bid the Casons adieu and headed off to their
next gig.
Christi, Trevor and the crew in the cabin game-room
All in all, the trip was a very memorable way to celebrate
Kaylee’s accomplishment and bring her home to her loving family.